Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: John Le Carre – Book
A modern classic in which John le Carré expertly creates a total vision of a secret world, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy begins George Smiley’s chess match of wills and wits with Karla, his Soviet counterpart.
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Paperback Book: Used – Very Good
A modern classic in which John le Carré expertly creates a total vision of a secret world, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy begins George Smiley’s chess match of wills and wits with Karla, his Soviet counterpart.
It is has now become beyond a doubt that a spy, implanted decades ago by Moscow Centre, has infiltrated the highest echelons of British Intelligence. His deceit and treachery has already blown some of its most vital operations and its best networks. It is clear that the double agent is one of its own kind. But which one? George Smiley has the assignment to identify him. And once identified, the traitor must be eliminated.
Paperback, 381 pages
Published June 7th 2011 by Penguin Books (first published 1974)
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